Monday, July 8, 2024


Trinity College has been a beautiful place to stay while I adjusted after the 30+ hour journey to get here. Though after taking my luggage up three storeys of stairs, to find that the key didn't work was a little frustrating. But not as frustrating as discovering the toilet didn't flush and eventually having to drag it all downstairs, across the campus and thankfully only up 1.5 flights of stairs to a new room. 

They're very innovative apparently, even having paper bath mats.

Though I'm not sure why they're growing a selection of weeds at the main entrance? 

The Book of Kells was really interesting to see but no photos allowed. The Old Library  was interesting but had hardly any books as it's being renovated. I loved the huge globe, even if Tasmania is covered in cloud. 

I've learnt lots of history, from a walking tour and the Museum of Archaeology was quite interesting. Who knew that bogs could preserve items so well? Though the preserved people were a little creepy to see. 

On Sunday I visited Immanuel Christian Church, where I listened to a Sydneysider give a sermon on rest, very appropriate for the beginning of my holiday.

At the supermarket I was initially confused by why the alcohol section was cordoned off but then realised it's hours aren't quite as long as the supermarket's. 

I've also been impressed with the labelling of Irish grown food. But not as much I like listening to the Irish people speak 😄.

Tomorrow I head to Belfast, hopefully via DownPatrick, if I don't get lost. 

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